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Scratch jr Stories


Project Description:

Too often in class students spend a lot of time dissecting stories but in this activity, students use their knowledge of parts of a story to construct a story. They create a beginning, middle, and end. They come up with a problem and a solution. They create characters and dialogue between characters. Throughout the process, they are given feedback by the instructor that helps them reach the ultimate goal of creating a stand-alone story. All of this is done while students learn block coding.




Story- Students create a story of their own only limited by what is in Scratch jr and their imagination.

Students demonstrate knowledge of parts of a story throughout the project.


Students learn about block coding and how it gives instructions for the movement and interactions of the characters.



Scratch jr can be used to tell a story about anything... a science topic, a math topic, to review a subject, Sociocultural (bullying, ethical issues..)


Project Overview


Student Projects


It is a good practice to have students reflect on their projects. It creates a mindset of always looking to improve while taking the negative connotation out of being critiqued.

Student Reflections to Project

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