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Foundations Classes

2nd Grade


Students abilities and knowledge are continued to be developed through the introduction to proper typing technique and use of home row keys.  Using a website entitled Typing Club student are walked through the development of their typing skills with a focus on using home row keys rather than just pecking at the keyboard. Students will create a project targeted for this specific grade with the goal of supporting content being taught in the regular education class.



Students in small groups will create a story using scratch jr or scratch jr PBS on the iPads.  These Scratch apps give the students the ability to create a story using computer programing blocks. Students will collaborate to create a story map involving the parts of a story.










Students use there gained knowledge on parts of a story to create a story map for there project, a coded story using Scratch Jr or Scratch jr PBS.  Through this students see stories from another angle.  Often students only dissect stories written by another this time students develop a story while learning a computer science skill, computer coding.


Websites used:





Scratch jr

Class Projects

*Teacher reserves all rights to change activities, websites used, and all other parts of the class. Above is an overview of the objectives and goals of the class. Any changes will be for the betterment of the students learning and the evolution of the course as it will evolve over time.


Educational Standards Used

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