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Foundations Classes

5th Grade


Students abilities and knowledge are continued to be developed through proper typing technique and use of home row keys.  Using a website entitled Typing Club student continue the development of their typing skills with a focus on using home row keys rather than just pecking at the keyboard. Students will create a project targeted for this specific grade with the goal of supporting content being taught in the regular education class.



Students in small groups will create a CD wind turbine.  The wind turbine will then be tested on an apparatus where millivolts will be read from the test. 









Students will use their creativity and understanding of wind and physics to create CD turbines.  Students will graph data and draw conclusions from results.  The class will combine results and determine any trends or patterns found among data.


Websites used:




*Teacher reserves all rights to change activities, websites used, and all other parts of the class. Above is an overview of the objectives and goals of the class. Any changes will be for the betterment of the students learning and the evolution of the course as it will evolve over time.


Educational Standards Used

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